Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Pantai Takisung, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Pantai Takisung, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Pantai Takisung is located in District Takisung the district west of Sea Land. Is approximately 22 km from the city Pelaihari or approximately 87 miles from the South Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin. Although the Coast Takisung is the Java Sea, but the waves were not huge like the south coast of Java. Making it safe for a tourist and residential areas.
As a tourist attraction, can be classified Takisung Coast beaches are enchanting sights with a view of the beach surrounded by palm trees with brown sand like sea water (for identification of the water, which is obtained from observations belonging to 9 pH alkaline water with a temperature of 250C and water flow rate of 1927 rpm, while the brightness level of the water by 32 cm), accompanied by a lot of markets that sell typical beach snacks, ranging from the fish sauce, garnish clams, shrimp, fish, until the reefs directly from fishermen. Plus the District Land Sea continues polishing attraction through the construction of a number of public facilities not owned by other coastal attractions. Among them, selter, a permanent stage, restaurants, and lodging.
(source: www.wisatanesia.com)

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